Conference and festival of nations!

The Red Cross in Akranes is planing a conference on 4. and 5.of november and the topic is The muliticulutral society – challenges and benefits! On the 5. Akranes celebrates the 5th Anniversery of the festival of Nations, which is part of an annual cultural festival in Akranes during the first week of November. The theme this year is multiculturism. At the end of the conference guest – who so choose – could paricipte in the festival.
The Festival of nations is a big event, last year we had more then 25 tables indroducing different cultures and projects related to multiculturism, more then 100 voulunteers of foreign origin worked hard to organise it and guests were at least 500.
Now, many tell us that it is impossible to get people to attend a two day conference on this subject – we are going to proof them wrong! Our mission now is to connect as many people as humanly possible who are interested in and believe in the multicultural society and organize something big and wonderful.
The agenda is not ready, but takes notice of this idea: The former day would concentrate on the framework and the second day on the local community and the challenges that multiculural societies face.
On Tuesday, 27th of September, we are having a meeting at The Red Cross in Hafnarfjöršur, Strandgata 24, at 20.00. It would make us very happy if you would attend, share your thoughts and experience and think about joining us on this mission.

Kindest regards,
Anna Lįra, Syamali and Krystyna.

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