International Art Fair

Hello everyone

We in Įtthagastofa Snęfellsbęjar in Snęfellsbęr in collaboration with the Society of New Icelanders are planning to hold an exhibition both in Akranes and Snęfellsbęr about your art (no matter what kind of art that might be, paintings, craft, sculptures, photographs...) and offer you with this a platform to show your talents to a wide audience. Additionally, we would like to organise an opening concert for this art exhibition where musicians (singers, musicians, dancers) of all countries can get on stage and perform, both in Akranes and Snęfellsbęr.

Would be great if you took part - please contact me as soon as possible for further information and arrangements
Barbara 8622998 or

The opening concert will take place on 28th April 2012, 4pm in Įtthagastofa Snęfellsbęjar in Ólafsvķk as well as the exhibition which will last until 11th May 2012.

Let“s use this opportunity and let“s take part in this great project
Barbara Fleckinger

Žjóšalist Vesturlands International Art Fair

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